by Vince Santucci
In simple terms, money is merely rectangular pieces of paper and small metal coins. It is produced by governments so individuals and businesses can exchange it for goods and services. It is another tool in our toolboxes to help us build and maintain the quality of life that we and our families have come to expect. So why is it that 1% of the world's population owns 40% of the world's assets?
The answer is simple: many of us tend to mix our emotions with money, assigning it an explosive power that it doesn't deserve. Money feels like an invisible person in our lives, rearing its ugly head only when a crisis come along. In reality, however, money is only what you create in your mind, not the resource available to us.
Sometimes we see money as a tool of compassion, allowing us to help others struggling in the wake of natural disasters and poverty. Children will selflessly donate their Christmas money to those in need, while both their parents and the companies they work for give their time and resources to higher causes. And yet despite this, the majority of the world still struggles to create their desired lives.
It's time for us to rediscover money and to become aware of the complicated web of values and meanings we have attached to it.
You have a right to be wealthy, but money doesn't create wealth, you do. money can be bitter and sweet. it's up to you to decide how to perceive it.
Remember: Where focus goes, energy flows.
148 pages softcover