by John Hepher
The West Coast of Tasmania produces about forty percent of Tasmania's income, and is, as far as the State Government is concerned, a region to be forgotten and ignored. There is just not the voting population there to affect either the government, or opposition. It became obvious to Leon Fernley and four of his colleagues that there was a desperate need to right the wrongs of the past hundred years of neglect and being ignored and appeals for fair funding falling on deaf ears in Hobart. The State Government does not take the West Coasters seriously and they decide to call the Government's bluff and govern themselves. A secession is inevitable, but it is tinged with intrigue of national, and international conspiracy.
310 pages softcover
A fast moving, sometimes brutal journey, into honour and love.
Hon. John Hepher, MLC was a political refugee of the nineteenth century. A tailor, a unionist, a socialist, a businessman, a family man, a politician, a boat person. An interesting mixture of roles all played by one man.
What happens when commercial and political interests prevent the peer review of science? What happens when science can’t be proven, or, disproven?
Explores the culture of greed, and how Australia has lost much of its culture to Americanisation and capitalism. It is a work of opinion that encourages a return to real free thinking, freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
This is the story of the famous Australian Cycling Classic - The Goulburn to Sydney. This narrative covers the trials, tribulations and triumphs of the many who competed in this truly daring and grueling race.
Leon, sacked from his position in the Department of Foreign Affairs, finds himself in the Tasmanian West Coast mining town Queenstown. Here he seeks to find himself a new life of semi-retirement, and doing some odd jobs.
A story of artificial intelligence.