by Annette Siketa
Imagine being taught art by Leonardo Da Vinci, or competing in a fully restored Colosseum, having been taught archery by Robin Hood. Imagine discussing natural history with Charles Darwin, or reading original works by Aristotle or Homer in The Great Library of Alexandria. Welcome to the world of Zanterus and The College of Customs and Myths and Legends – Camals for short. Ready to go? Well... not so fast. First you must pass the entrance exam.
“Well apparently, a man in Sydney reckons he saw King Arthur and Christopher Columbus drinking tea at the kitchen table. Then some woman from Port Augusta said she opened a cupboard and found two witch-doctors dancing around her vacuum cleaner.”
Professor Lution, the Chancellor of Camals, (The College of Customs and Myths and Legends), has a problem. Although there have been Darlings at Camals for generations, there is considerable opposition to the latest candidate, Grace. As a compromise, Professor Lution proposes a test, which on the surface is relatively simple – follow the clues and find a book.
Being ignorant of these facts, Grace is introduced to the world of the supernatural, and finds herself in Beatrigone, which is in effect, a giant film set. However, when the test is hijacked by the evil Viletrix and his hideous spectral army, Camals loses control.
With the assistance of Wendy Wallace – who just ‘happened’ to be there, Pan, Arjunar – a historical archer, Gwiffyn – a mysterious wise woman, and four extremely angry Incan ghosts, amongst many others, Grace wins the battle for Beatrigone, but it is not over yet. Upon returning home, she must decide whether to attend Camals, or have all knowledge of Beatrigone wiped from her memory.
234 pages softcover